Change: facing change within the workplace

For many within the current workplace, change is now a constant - it seems to be there everyday!

Society at the moment is constantly under huge change; politics, people, technology, business and so on - everything seems to be changing at a fast rate.

Our greatest instinct tells us to fear change - to become embedded in our habits and see change as something that will ruin the "status quo". We are creatures of habit and enjoy the comfort of our daily routine.

However, change can be the greatest asset we have and actually secure and build, not damage our future.

Working with many clients, I often encounter a resistance to the concept of change. "Why change what we have been doing for years?"

Looking at a clients business objectively, often highlights a clear and defined pathway to success - however sitting within the business as an employee, or owner, this route can produce feelings of fear and uncertainty. How can you as a business owner or employee, use change to your advantage:
  • Communication; ensure that the message is correct, both internally and externally. Misinformed staff can leave, misinformed clients the same - which is far from ideal! An open and structured approach to positive communication will always deliver huge benefit.
  • Try and see the big picture; the above point if handled correctly can help with this. Understand from all positions why the change is happening and perhaps why it is needed?
  • Become part of the change; understand the above then become involved and offer assistance and input as to how the change can work - provide constructive feedback/input. Sometimes the best idea will come from the least likely person. Listen to your staff, management and clients.
  • Manage your attitude: it is comfortable to see the negative and provide barriers and resistance. It is better however to try and reframe your attitude and turn fear into excitement and non belief into belief and support.
  • Become flexible: where possible try and become a flexible person and 'embrace the change' rather than rigid and a stern opposer.
  • Accept the change: it is important, if not for our own mental and physical health, to sometimes just accept that change is coming and try and understand the reasons why.
The above are but a few suggestions to help manage change, both from a personal and business perspective.

Should you like to find out more about how your business can manage change within the workplace, lets chat further.

I can share with you how many others have benefitted from a business change programme.

Tel UK: 0161 641 4040
Tel Outside UK: +44 (0)161 641 4040


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