General Practice Forward View funding

As part of the General Practice Forward View, a new five year £45 million fund has been created to contribute towards the costs for GP practices and health organisations of training reception and clerical staff to undertake enhanced roles in active signposting and management of clinical correspondence.  
In line with the 10 high impact actions framework, KRL Consulting offers you the following highly effective training courses:  

·          Active Signposting - KRL/AS1

·          Correspondence Management – KRL/CM1

·          Team Development & Performance - KRL/TDP1

·          Workflow Management – KRL/WM1

·          Personal Performance – KRL/PP1

·          Collaboration& Partnerships – KRL/CP1

Please email for more details, quoting the above reference, or call 0161 641 4040

 We look forward to speaking with you.


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